O We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves je skoraj nemogoče pisati, ne da bi človek tvegal učinek slona v trgovini s porcelanom. Fowlerjevo je treba brati nedolžno in brez pričakovanj. Brez pokvarkov. Ne berite Guardiana. Nič googla. Resno.
Nagrajeni boste s presenečenji. S humorjem:
My father made a crude joke. He made the same joke or same variation of it every time Bob gave him the opening, which was every other year. If the joke were witty, I'd include it, but it wasn't. You'd think less of him and thinking less of him is my job, not yours.Nagrajeni boste s stilističnimi bravurami:
And I've reached a point here, now that my brother has arrived, where I don't see how to go further forward without going back - back to the end of that story, back to when I returned to my family from my grandparents' house. Which also happens to be the exact moment when the part I know how to tell ends and the part I've never told before begins.In tako bi lahko tapkal in tapkal citate v nedogled, kajti pri Fowlerjevi sem podčrtoval kot obsedenec, pa ne bom.
Fowlerjeva v samoironiji in metanju postulatov malce vleče na Boruta Goloba v romanu Smreka bukev lipa križ, kar je sijajno. Ko boste z romanom končali, vas vprašam: koliko, mislite, je stara Karen Joy? Dvajset? Petindvajset?
Priporočam. (Booker, nemara?)
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